B. Christaras, EVALUATING THE TRIGGERING FACTORS OF THE ROCK FALLS OF 16TH AND 21ST DECEMBER 2009 IN NEA FOKEA, CHALKIDIKI, NORTHERN GREECE, Δελτίο της Ελληνικής Γεωλογικής Εταιρείας, 43|2010, 1131-1137

This paper aims to present the characteristics of the rock falls generated on the 16th and 21st of December 2009 at the Nea Moudania – Kassandria country road in Kassandra Peninsula, Chalkidiki, Greece. Both of those events induced damages to the asphalt road and forced the local authorities to close the road to traffic until the construction of protective measures. In order to evaluate the rock fall hazard and analyze the slope instability in the area, the present study focuses on three main triggering factors: rainfall, stratigraphy and tectonic setting.

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