International Conference on Cultural Informatics, Communication and Media Studies
Information and Communication Technologies bring fundamental changes to our culture, providing multiple challenges, landmarked by new computing paradigms.
In this regard, the Department of Cultural Technology and Communication (DCTC) of the University of the Aegean in cooperation with the Adnan Menderes University, Faculty of Communication (Turkey) organize the International conference on Cultural Informatics, Communication & Media Studies (CICMS). The Conference takes place every two years on the premises of the University of the Aegean, in Mytilene, Greece. The CICMS focusing on the rapid communication, media and cultural informatics trends in the global era of information, provides the best meeting opportunities for participants to discuss and share their researches, experiences and future endeavors. The proceedings include sessions that cover a broad range of topics, such as: Cultural Informatics, Communication, Media Studies, Journalism, Radio, Television, Cinema, Advertising, Public Relations, Management, Social Media, Photography, New media, Communication in education, Distant education in communication, Communication ethics