The present study explored the effects of a different type of teaching on epistemic cognition of 6th grade students through an intervention program in the science class. Epistemic cognition concerns how people acquire, understand, justify, change, and use knowledge (Greene, Sandoval, & Bråten, 2016). The study addressed the question of how the type of approach affected the development of epistemic cognition among young children, by extending previous research that examined the relation between epistemic cognition and intervention programmes in adults. Nine 6th grade classes completed paper-and-pencil instruments to measure their epistemic cognition and cognitive ability. Twelve of the students also participated in an individual semi-structured interview. Students’ epistemic cognition was assessed using a short version of Schommer’s questionnaire for students. The students’ cognitive ability was assessed through Raven’s Progressive Matrices (1998). The present study aspired to find which of the main approaches is more effective for the development of students’ epistemic cognition and if cognitive ability can predict epistemic cognition. Three of the classes were randomly put in the Control Group that had courses in science education, three were randomly put in the Experimental Group Α, following the multidimensional approach, and three were randomly put in the Experimental Group Β, following the developmental approach. The nine 6th grade classes completed paper-and-pencil instruments to measure their epistemic cognition and cognitive ability, to examine possible changes in epistemic cognition and a possible relation between epistemic cognition and cognitive ability. Students’ epistemic cognition was assessed using the short version of Schommer’s et al. questionnaire (2000) for young students. Students’ cognitive ability was assessed through the Raven’s Progressive Matrices (Raven, Raven, & Court, 1998). Then, twelve of these students participated in an individual semi-structured interview, where they were asked about the effectiveness of the intervention program. The results showed the effectiveness of multidimensional teaching, which is also confirmed through the analysis of qualitative data, in contrast to the developmental intervention. The analysis of the interviews showed that all students believed that truth can be found through research. Also, according to the results, the multidimensional teaching approach can predict cognitive ability at the level of epistemic cognition. The present study aims to assist in increasing students’ epistemic cognition which is so important for forming citizens capable of meeting the needs of the 21st century. The benefits that result from the long-term intervention will be communicated to the Ministry of Education and Culture and propose radical changes in the Curriculum in terms practices that could be implemented in the teaching of science that will help in the development of elementary school students΄epistemic cognition