Γεώργιος ΚΑΡΔΑΡΑΣ, Μεταξύ Αττίλα και Βαϊανού. Το Βυζάντιο και οι νομαδικοί λαοί από το 453 έως το 558, Βυζαντινά Σύμμεικτα, 24|2014, 67-109

 Between Attila and Bajan. Byzantium and the nomads from 453 to 558 The paper highlights the relations of Byzantium with the nomads in the period between the collapse of the Hunnic hegemony in Central Europe and the coming of the Avars to the northern frontiers of the Empire. Taking into account the written testimonies, as well as the archaeological finds, the geographical area of the nomadic settlements, the conflicts and treaties with Byzantium, the role of the nomads in the Byzantine-Persian relations, the nomad mercenaries in the Byzantine army and certain Byzantine finds, as jewellery, swords, pendant capsule or other decorative motifs are considered. These relations are distinguished in two periods, before and after 491. During the first one, the Empire was able to control the activity of the nomads offering them settlement permit on Byzantine soil, while for the second is noted, beside the strong conflicts, the cultural influence of Byzantium through Christianity and, on the other hand, the nomadic influences on the Byzantine army.   

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