
Καθορισμός Προδιαγραφών Συστήματος Παρακολούθησης Αλιευτικών Αποθεμάτων


2002 | 46 σελ.




The first chapter describes the general principles that should characterize and describe a system for the monitoring of fisheries resources, the detailed directions for the collection of the suitable statistical information, the required samplings and reviews that should be organized on the basis of those principles, the problems of multispecies fishery - which are particularly complex in the Mediterranean, the rationale for selecting suitable sampling design, the major sources of sampling biases and how they could be possibly reduced and, finally, the implementation of geographic unit in fisheries management and the advantages of its use in the Mediterranean. The second chapter describes the existing fisheries statistics and databases in the country, such as the National Statistical Service of Greece, the Fishery Development Corporation, the Agricultural Bank of Greece, as well as other data sources coinciding mainly with the research institutes of the country and gathered in the recent years within the frame of various, mainly EU, research projects. The third chapter describes the routines of fisheries data collections that are applied in our country now days or will be applied in the future in accordance to the existing EU regulations (2847/93/12.10.93, 2846/98/17.12.98 and 1543/00/29.06.00). In the fourth chapter a comprehensive system of collection of fisheries data is described that aims in gathering (a) biological information on the major target fishes collected with the main fishing gears used in the country, (b) data on fishing effort of the main fishing gears through either on board sampling or by reports of local observers, (c) fisheries data collected from the log books, and (d) biological data and fishing effort from the landings. The above features are considered prerequisite while organizing a data collection system focusing on the rational and holistic management of fisheries resources of the Greek seas. Finally, in the fifth chapter an Integrated System of Fisheries Resources Monitoring (ISFReM) for the country is proposed, based on the full amount of fisheries data that will be gathered through the aforementioned comprehensive data collection system. The Greek research institutes will contact the appropriate data collection and the user of ISFReM will be the General Directorate of Fishery of the Ministry of Agriculture, responsible for the application of fishery policy in the country.

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