Γεώργιος Κουλαουζίδης, Seeking educational "traumas": the use of biographical method in an effort to recognize misleading educational experiences in the context of the theory of transformative learning, Έρευνα στην Εκπαίδευση, 1|2013,
According to the theory of transformative learning, the beginning of a learning process that leads to the transformation of the frame of reference of adult learners is based on disorienting experiences. However, when these disorienting experiences are related to biographical events associated to the participation of the learner in the educational process then they may become factors that have a noteworthy effect on the dropout phenomenon or the non-participation of adults in educational activities. In this paper, we argue that the use of educational biography as a research tool may be of significant assistance in revealing this kind of disorienting experiences and we document our argument through the presentation of two examples from relevant research endeavors.