Βασιλική Μπρουσκέλη, The experience of hospitalisation and the return to school: child education and adaptation issues, Έρευνα στην Εκπαίδευση, 1|2013,

Child hospitalization is a stressful life event which can possibly have short-term or even long term effects on child’s educational development. This article is a systematic review of the existing literature, which aims to investigate issues related to the educational experiences of the child, after a diagnosis that requires hospitalization. A basic aim of this article is to present the different aspects of the involved ones, such as family, school and health professionals, while the analytic presentation of the studies is not the final purpose. It consists of eighteen scientific essays in total, specifically: eight of them are original research articles, four articles propose certain interventions, three articles written by professionals and three reviews of earlier research. The results indicated the need for a hospital school which fulfills children’s cognitive-psycho-social needs and maintains, if possible, normality. Furthermore, the cooperation of the child’s family, school and health professionals is very important, in order to have a regular adjustment. The results underlined the need for further research on how specific variables affect the child’s adjustment after his/ her re-entry to school. Finally, integrated programs to support child’s regular re-adjustment in school seem to be essential.

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