In the field of organizational behavior job satisfaction seems to be one of the most important job-related attitudes. The perceptions of employees about the conditions prevailing in their working environment, play a central role in shaping employees' job satisfaction. The climate in the workplace is considered to be one of the characteristics of the work environment associated with the job satisfaction of employees. Indeed, it has been argued that the climate is an expression of how employees describe their working environment while job satisfaction is an expression of the way in which employees assess their working environment.
The aim of the present study was to investigate the relationships between teachers' job satisfaction and school climate. Another aim of this research was to investigate the influence of teachers’ gender and professional experience in job satisfaction and school climate. The sample consisted of 209 primary school teachers. The Job Satisfaction Index was used to assess teachers' job satisfaction. The Revised School Level Environment Questionnaire was used to assess teachers' perceptions about school climate. The professional experience of teachers was measured based on their years of service.
Results showed a significant relationship between teachers' job satisfaction and the school climate. The differences between men and women are not significant in teachers' job satisfaction and most of the school climate dimensions. Finally, professional experience influences teachers' job satisfaction and most of the school climate variables. The results of this study indicate that the psychosocial characteristics of workplace are associated with job satisfaction of employees. It also appeared that a positive school climate enhances teachers’ job satisfaction while a negative school climate reduces teachers' job satisfaction. Additionally, the results of this research argue that teachers’ job satisfaction and school climate are related to their professional experience. Thus, school leaders should endeavor to create a positive climate in their school, so that teachers feel increased satisfaction from their profession. This need seems to be stronger for younger teachers.