
European Economic Integration

Scientific Field(s):


2015 | 388 pages


978-618-82294-0-2 (html), 978-618-82294-1-9 (pdf), 978-618-82294-2-6 (ePub)


This book investigates the evolution of the integration process of the European Union (EU) under the lenses of economic development. The process of the European Economic Integration is an innovative experiment, unique in its magnitude, breadth and depth. While the number of regional associations has increased immensely in recent decades, the EU remains the union with the largest number of member-states and the most pronounced transfer of powers to supranational institutions. This degree of integration, combined with the relative importance of the continent in global wealth and trade, imparts paramount influence not only for Europe itself but for the whole world at the political, social and economic level. Thus, the study of this evolution is a special challenge both for economists and for European citizens trying to appreciate the extent to which this transfer of power benefits (or not) Europe as a whole, each Member-State separately, third countries and the global economy. The originality of the book lies in its effort to combine three levels of analysis and explore their interaction in real life: ·         The state-of-the-art of the theoretical background of the scientific fields relevant for policies of European competence.

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